Next week I start part time work at a nearby primary school as a Teacher Aide, and this morning I spent a couple of hours at the school getting used to the role. I have worked there before, two years ago, when I was doing the teacher aide training and have also been in other schools around the country working in a similar role.
Well, in the class today, the teacher told the students that I did something very exciting and interesting when I wasn't helping at the school. All the kids turned around to stare at me, waiting for an explanation. Sitting on one of the tiny wooden chairs with my knees up almost to my chest and with the eyes of the children glued to me, I felt a little intimidated. What if they didn't think my job was exciting or interesting at all? What if they all just yawned and rolled their eyes?
I needed have worried - the children expressed a gratifying level of surprize and wonder when I told then them that I wrote and illustrated my very own picture books. A myriad of small hands shot up in the air, ready to ask questions and a dozen voices began to chatter animatedly. For a few minutes as I answered them all, I felt like a celebritiy.
A little later in the morning, while the kids were practising their handwriting, I was sitting beside one young boy and helping him with his work. Suddenly he stopped and looked thoughtful. His pencil dangled above the paper as he turned to me and said quite seriously, "One day I might be an author like you." That is why I love working with kids!
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