Thursday, 30 April 2015

At this point in the creation process for my second book, it's time to make some decisions about cover designs. As I'm self-publishing again, I make the final decision on the image that will appear on the front. That can be both a good and bad thing - good because I can create the design I want and bad because if it doesn't work, then it's my fault!

I don't have a background in graphic design, so I'll be relying on help from the printing company to give advice and add finishing touches. The previous book 'Custard and Carriages' that The Copy Press produced for me was brilliant, so I'm sure that they will make a great job of this project too.

This is the latest version - any ideas or comments?

While I was looking at images to use for the cover, I came across an old photo from Grandma's and Grandad's farm. I'm in the middle sitting on the hay bales and my young brother Jonathan is in Grandma's arms. It must have been summer, probably quite close to Christmas. 

The next photo down was taken 24 years later, also in summer, at my grandparents house. They no longer own the farm - that was sold a long time ago - but they still live in Hawkes Bay, NZ and I love visiting that area of the country.

They can't wait until the book comes out!

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