Below are some photos that Gill North took when I was talking to her students at Sockburn School.
And this is one of the shots that Rachel Holden took as I was speaking to her class in Room 12. There are a few more of her photos on the school website.
Over three days, I visited all the classrooms at the primary school and spoke to the children about the process of writing, illustrating and publishing a book. The kids were a great audience!
Half-way through reading my story to the first class, I discovered that somehow I had blue-tacked the wrong words onto the back of four pictures. Not a good start! Fortunately I remembered most of the words, was able to quickly shuffle the illustrations into the correct order and finish the story in the right place.
Thanks to Rachel for organising the visits and to all the other teachers for making room in their schedules so that I could come in to speak with all the kids.
what a terrific speak to the kids and show them what you do